271: Listener Q&A—"I'm tired of working from home!"

Is anyone else exasperated by too much time working from home? If so, you are not alone! Whether it's the level of distractions or monotony, many of us are ready for a break, even if we still aren't interested in returning to an office full time.

In this episode I'm answering a listener question from Omar who says, "It's getting to the point where I just extremely dislike it." What to do? I’m sharing a few strategies that have kept me sane lately . . .

Resources Mentioned:

🎉 Free Time: Lose the Busywork, Love Your Business launches on 3/22/22! Give the gift of free time to yourself and others in the new year by participating in our Buy One, Get One, Give One bonus.

Here's how it works:

  1. Buy One: Preorder the hardcover edition and submit proof of purchase at http://itsfreetime.com/bogogo

  2. Get One: Within one business day, you'll get early access to the audiobook and brand new Free Time Toolkit with over 15 new templates to free your mind, time, and team!

  3. Give One: You will get details on how to gift early audiobook access to a friend :)

Thank you in advance for your support! I can't wait to hear how you start freeing up time, and what you do with it :)

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