Pivot Career Coaching: Set Your Strategy For What’s Next

Here’s a shot of Jenny working with former Yankees star and Pivot Pro Alex Rodriguez, both guest lecturers for the Strategic Pivoting course at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, where Pivot is the course textbook.

Here’s a shot of Jenny working with former Yankees star and Pivot Pro Alex Rodriguez, both guest lecturers for the Strategic Pivoting course at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, where Pivot is the course textbook.

As the saying goes, “It can be hard to read the label from inside the jar.” Oftentimes we know we have the opportunity to make changes, but feel foggy and overwhelmed on what that might look like or where to start.

This is the perfect time to pair up with a strategic thought-partner who can help strengthen your self-awareness, your confidence and intuition, and your clarity on next steps. By working with a coach, you can more readily choose how you want to respond and adapt during this time, creating a new order from chaos, where you emerge even stronger and more aligned in your career than ever before.

No matter your age, life stage, bank account balance, or career level, you can learn how to Pivot strategically into your next opportunity or adapt alongside your current company in a time of massive shift.

High net worth individuals are those who have accumulated significant financial resources; and they certainly have an advantage when it comes to extending and leveraging their financial Pivot runway. But those who shine most are high net growth, independent of financial worth. They know money is important, but it is not everything. They do not just ask, “What am I earning?” but “What am I learning? How am I growing? How am I serving, and making an impact?”

Every day offers an opportunity to shine our light even more brightly in the world, so long as we drop our expectations about neat predictable paths along the way.

Our coaching is based on Jenny Blake’s award-winning book, Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One, and the four-stage Pivot Method framework she outlines within it. 

This is a model Jenny first piloted (even without the exact language at the time) when co-creating Google’s global drop-in coaching program, Career Guru, in 2009 — one still celebrated and thriving at Google today.

In fact, our coaching team is comprised of several former Googlers, in addition to a team built by Jenny’s very first coach, the one who sparked much of her own coaching journey in 2008. Bottom line: we’re bringing you the best, so that together you can discover your best work! Together, we have decades of work and coaching experience, and we have successfully applied these Pivot practices with thousands of readers, hundreds of coaching clients, and dozens of top companies around the world.

Keep reading to learn more about our career coaching options, and to select the best-fit program for you :)  

The Four-Stage Pivot Method


Ultimately, Pivot boils down to a simple series of repeatable questions:

  • What’s working?

  • What does success look like?

  • What’s out there?

  • What can I try?

That’s it. You cannot know your entire Pivot plan up front. You have to break things down into small enough chunks that feel safe to try, then let those pilots show you what starts to gain traction.

The same is true for your career, your business, or your side hustle. There is no one answer, but that doesn’t mean you have to go it alone either. We all know what The Wall feels like — when you feel like you’ve tried everything, and you’re still spinning in confusion and analysis-paralysis. 

It’s time to pair-up with a thought-partner. Together you will identify your superpowers and biggest strengths, define a one-year vision for success, get crystal clear on your unique value, personality, and expertise that you and only you bring, and create a strategic action plan to move things forward, piloting at every step of the way until you start experiencing ease, flow, and unstoppable momentum. 


We’re Thrilled to Be Your Thought-Partner


No matter where you are in your Pivot process, we are here to partner with you at every next step to help you move from confusion to clarity. We offer several options at varying levels of investment—choose the level of support that fits best: 


Linked-In Learning: Figuring Out Your Next Move

In this LinkedIn Learning course, you’ll get 20 short videos and exercises to create a Pivot plan for growth within your current role or for making bigger moves. The course takes just under one hour to complete.

Your investment: $29 for lifetime access

Group Coaching

Career Pathfinder Coaching Program with Adrian Klaphaak

An online group career coaching program that guides you step-by-step to find your calling. This program blends group coaching sessions with the road-tested Career Pathfinder course, created and led Jenny’s first career coach and longtime friend, Adrian Klaphaak.

1:1 Career Coaching

Pivot Career Coaching

Personalized, one-on-one support to kickstart and accelerate your career pivot. Whether you’re just starting out, mid-career, looking toward self-employment, or retiring, our certified Pivot coaches will help you shift from confusion to clarity to aligned action.

Your Investment: Pivot Career Coaching starts at $997/month. There is no minimum commitment after your first month, though we do recommend planning to engage for at least a few months to get the most out of coaching. That said, can cancel at any time in advance of your next billing cycle.

Accelerate Your Pivot With Personalized 1:1 Support

Working with a career coach can give you much-needed perspective and courage to take smart risks that make sense. Consider your coach part mentor, part cheerleader, part observer, part strategist, and part accountability partner. Together, the two of your will envision an even bigger, bolder reality than you could imagine for yourself.

“Pivot career coaching left me feeling empowered to go for what I want professionally.

Maybe it’s the kind of person I am, but when someone experienced tells me something is a good idea — and that they’re going to check in with me in two weeks about whether I used it — I’m more inclined to do it.

It helps, too, to have a cheerleader. Over the course of coaching, I learned that, for the most part, no one knew how much “extra” work I was putting in — except Fraser-Thill, who congratulated me at the beginning of every phone call for making inroads on the action work and wrote things like, “You are on fire!” in her follow-up emails.

She couldn’t see me, but I grinned every time.”
— Shana Lebowitz, Business Insider

Work with the Top Career Coaches in the Industry with Decades of Experience, Heart, and Wisdom 

Together the Pivot Coaching team encompasses over 60 years combined experience in career coaching, serving over 2,000 clients and logging tens of thousands of coaching hours

Each of the Pivot Coaches was hand-picked for their balance of left-brain logic mixed with right-brain creativity. Everyone on the team has extensive business background combined with an equally big heart and integrated wellness focus to help you build toward a sustainable, soul-inspired career and business. No matter who you choose to work with, you're getting deep coaching expertise with an emphasis on strategic action. 

Your Monthly Pivot Coaching Includes

  • Two 45-minute coaching sessions per month, held over the phone (may vary by coach). 

  • Email in between sessions if you have questions that come up as you implement next steps. 

  • Access to exclusive digital resources and courses to further support you as you Pivot. This includes Jenny’s Free-Up Founder Time course, the Pivot Toolkit, and Pivot Mastermind Kit. 

You and Your Coach Will Work Through the Following Phases

Vision: Where are you heading? Are you happy with the direction? How does this fit with your overall lifestyle goals?

Strategy: What does success look like six months from now? One year? Together we will craft a powerful strategy that puts your attention back on what matters most.

Systems: How are your daily routines supporting your best work? What is getting in the way? We'll share tools, templates and strategies to help maximize your efficiency and free up your time to make the biggest impact.

Action Plan: What should you tackle first? What do you need to do, drop or delegate? We’ll come up with a concrete set of next steps, and your coach will hold you accountable for moving forward with what’s most important to you.


 Who is Pivot Coaching a Fit For?

Pivot Coaching will be a great match if you:

  • Feel “stuck” in your work and not quite sure what the next level of your career looks like

  • Feel you have the “perfect-on-paper job” or path in mind, but something’s just not clicking

  • Are considering pivoting to a new role or whole other industry

  • Care about your work and the impact you want to make throughout your career

  • Are curious about following a new area that better suits your values and interests

  • Have an inexplicable urge to do things differently

  • Take responsibility for your life, and look for ways to shift your perspective or your skills to rise to new challenges

  • Are honest with yourself and others

  • Are committed to taking action in-between coaching sessions, and “walking your talk”

Other programs will serve you better if you:

  • Are looking for someone to find a new job position for you

  • Are not willing to do the foundation work of understanding your strengths and vision—before jumping into a career change

  • Are looking to “pick someone’s brain” about career strategy, rather than invest in a multi-month engagement in your own career moves

  • Seek a “quick fix” to your career conundrum, or want someone else to make decisions for you

we’ve helped our clients achieve Incredible results

Pivot Coaching will help you with more than just figuring out your next move. You will walk away with the skills and strategies to continue adjusting along your Pivot path, no matter where your career or interests take you in the future. Together, we have helped hundreds of clients:

  • Align with their career vision

  • Strategize and navigate their job search

  • Prepare for (and stand out in) interviews for high-stakes, competitive roles

  • Land prestigious jobs at the top technology firms 

  • Decide whether to pivot within a company (or current role) or pursue something new 

  • Transition in or out of the corporate world

  • Reclaim their mojo and outstanding performance at work

  • Pivot to a new role or industry 

“Lisa was able to quickly understand me and help to develop practical plans that will make a difference. I am amazed at how much we accomplished in two sessions.”
— JS, New York
“Cathryn is an exceptional coach. I had been looking to make a change for some time and couldn’t quite get there on my own. Cathryn challenged me to think about what I really wanted and guided me through formulating what that strategy and plan looked like. I would highly recommend working with Cathryn, you will not be disappointed!”
— Senior Marketing Manager, Finance Industry, Chicago, IL

Make a Strategic Investment in Your Career Pivot

Pivot Coaching starts at $997/month for an ongoing monthly retainer. There is no minimum monthly investment, so you can cancel at any time if you’re not thrilled with the progress you are making. Together with your coach, you will choose a recurring day and time for your calls to reduce friction for scheduling (though you can always adjust on a one-off basis as needed), and you will be invoiced once per month. 

You are free to close out at any time; we just ask that you let your coach know during the first session of that month, so that your final call can be dedicated to reflection and setting you up for success moving forward. 

Ready to Get Started? Here’s What Happens Next

  1. Browse through the Pivot coach profiles and select your coach

  2. Book your complimentary intro call (book instantly with the button beneath your selected coach’s bio) 

  3. Start your Pivot Coaching subscription—once your payment is set up, you’ll schedule your first two calls with your coach and get access to our exclusive Pivot Coaching toolkit and courses. 

“Becky does a wonderful job of pushing you to think beyond your perceived limits. When she sees that you’re excited or curious about something, she helps you unravel that idea until you have something concrete and focused to move forward with. Thanks to Becky I feel much more clear and energized about my career path.”
— Odalis Salazar Mullins
“Cathryn is a phenomenal coach! After just one coaching session, I felt like I had more clarity on my future career path than I have had over the last 10 years.”
— HR Manager, Microsoft, Seattle

Frequently Asked Questions 

This is my first time working with a coach! What is coaching, exactly? What should I expect?

  • Coaching is not about analyzing your past (that’s therapy) or telling you what to do (that’s consulting); coaching is about looking forward and finding the answers from within. You are the expert on your life and career dreams. Your coach will be the champion who will help you become more conscious about your strengths, and teach you the tools and strategies to take things to a new level.

What kind of relationship can I expect with my coach?

  • When you sign-up for ongoing monthly coaching, we will become your number one supporter and we will go to the mat for you to ensure that you’re moving in exactly the direction you want. In return, you’ll commit to doing the work, even when it gets hard, and to making the changes you need to make so that you can operate from a place of creativity, strategy, and ease.The strength of our relationship will play a key role in your progress. It has been proven in study after study that the relationships between mentor and mentee, counselor and client, doctor and patient, teacher and student and coach and client have a significant impact on results.

How long does it take to start working with a coach? 

  • Coaching spots each month are limited and vary by coach, with each new coaching engagement starting on the first of the upcoming month. If you’re interested in working with a coach, the best next step is to set up an intro call to gauge fit and availability. 

How long does it take to complete Pivot Coaching? 

  • Coaching engagements vary in length, but typically last 3-6 months. We’ve found our clients make great strides in their coaching goals in just 10-12 sessions! Of course, your coaching experience and length all depends on your goals and commitment to the process. With Pivot Coaching, you are free to continue your coaching each month or cancel at any time. 

Do you offer refunds or money-back guarantees on Pivot Coaching?

  • Due to the nature of our work, payment refunds are not possible once coaching services have been rendered, including calls, emails, and other methods of support. If you’d like to end your coaching engagement, we ask that you complete your remaining sessions for the month.


  • Our coaches comprise a great diversity of career experience and specialties. Check out each coach’s experience, strengths, and interests here. You are welcome to book a free intro call with any of the coaches to further assess fit. And if you’re still having trouble narrowing down which coach to work with, send us an email at hello@pivotmethod.com

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