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Buy Pivot For Your Team (40% Bulk Discount)
Not all pivots have to be dramatic leaps; in fact, they shouldn't be. Pivot is a mindset and a method for helping team members start from right where they are: to develop a growth mindset and map their next move within their role, even before considering bigger moves.
Pivot makes a great gift to compliment career development initiatives, and we can accommodate distributed shipping for remote teams (for example, following virtual team-building events).
After reading Pivot, team members will be able to better identify their biggest strengths, set a one-year vision for success, identify strategies to develop within their role, and determine small experiments and stretch projects for the year ahead.
Sample bulk pricing rates below from our distributor, Porchlight Books (subject to change):
Paperback Non-returnable Discounts
1 - 24 | $14.40 | 20%
25 - 99 | $11.16 | 38%
100 - 249 | $10.80 | 40%
250 - 499 | $10.44 | 42%
500 - 999 | $10.26| 43%
Chinese (Publishing House of Electronics Industry)
English UK, India, and Australia (Penguin UK)
Japanese (Direct Publishing, Inc.)
Korean (Cheomnetworks)
Polish (Helion SA)
Portugese (2020 Editora Lda.), Saraiva Educaรงรฃo S/A (Brazil)
Thai (Amarin Printing & Publishing)
Poland (Helion Publishing)
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Shipping is free; orders are non-returnable. We can accommodate shipping to distributed teams for virtual events.
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