127: Live from the Vulnerability Hangover! Launching @LifeOfALebaneseArtist with Michael Karsouny
As soon as Michael woke up and gave me the “what have I done?!” look after launching his latest project @LifeOfALebaneseArtist on Instagram just 24 hours prior, I knew we had a juicy creative gem on our hands. I also knew that he was experiencing what so many of us do when we release a put-yourself-out-there post or project—a major vulnerability hangover! All the more reason to talk about it, of course, especially in keeping with my new intention of truth while it’s fresh :)
I love seeing someone so enraptured by an idea that they stay up all night to work on it, and that’s exactly what Michael had done. He zipped through conception to launch of his hilarious (and deep!) meme project in a mere few hours, all with joy and ease—clear signals that he was onto a new soul goal endeavor. He’s now one month in, and continues to wake up excited every day bursting with ideas and ways to develop it further.
We’re excited to take you behind-the-scenes of our household (and conversation tangents - LOL) in this episode, and into the earliest moments of launching a creative project that has humor and truth-telling at its core (with a side of Lebanese culture to boot).