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127: Live from the Vulnerability Hangover! Launching @LifeOfALebaneseArtist with Michael Karsouny

127: Live from the Vulnerability Hangover! Launching @LifeOfALebaneseArtist with Michael Karsouny

As soon as Michael woke up and gave me the “what have I done?!” look after launching his latest project @LifeOfALebaneseArtist on Instagram just 24 hours prior, I knew we had a juicy creative gem on our hands. I also knew that he was experiencing what so many of us do when we release a put-yourself-out-there post or project—a major vulnerability hangover! All the more reason to talk about it, of course, especially in keeping with my new intention of truth while it’s fresh :)

I love seeing someone so enraptured by an idea that they stay up all night to work on it, and that’s exactly what Michael had done. He zipped through conception to launch of his hilarious (and deep!) meme project in a mere few hours, all with joy and ease—clear signals that he was onto a new soul goal endeavor. He’s now one month in, and continues to wake up excited every day bursting with ideas and ways to develop it further.

We’re excited to take you behind-the-scenes of our household (and conversation tangents - LOL) in this episode, and into the earliest moments of launching a creative project that has humor and truth-telling at its core (with a side of Lebanese culture to boot).


126: How We Ran Our 2-Day Strategy Sprint (with Template)

126: How We Ran Our 2-Day Strategy Sprint (with Template)

This week’s episode comes fresh off the heels of a two-day strategy sprint that my team and I ran to tackle our biggest business frogs. 

One commitment we made at the end was to “share truth while it's fresh” — with delightful specificity and crazy-smart systems — so that’s what I’m doing! This is a behind-the-scenes peek at what we're building (and how) during my “JB 3.0 Business Renaissance,” in as real-time as we can.

I also want to give a shout out to my she-probably-has-no-clue-I-exist-yet-but-hopefully-someday-friendtoAmy Porterfield, an online marketing pro and absolutely fantastic teacher. We haven't met yet, but I have been mega-binging on her podcasts, and I was inspired to do our strategy sprint by her recent episode #222 on creating a weekend immersion retreat.

The fix-it ideas from Amy’s podcast got my wheels turning, but for this round I pivoted our focus toward tackling the biggest, most strategic projects. In the episode, I share all the details on how we designed the sprint, how we prepared in the days and weeks leading up to it, the exact flow/schedule we followed, what worked best, and what we would do differently next time. 

If you want to run your own two-day strategy sprint, submit the form within the show notes to get the free template we created from our own planning docs — which will be helpful even if you decide do to this solo!


125: Penney & Jenny Show — Discriminating Truth, Just-Rightness, and Making "Good Choices"

125: Penney & Jenny Show — Discriminating Truth, Just-Rightness, and Making "Good Choices"

Penney and I are back in action, with the 9th (!) installment of our Penney & Jenny show. If you missed last week’s episode (#124) on liminal space and embracing the in-between, check it out here.

This is installment is all about discriminating truth, just rightness, and making good choices. How do you trust your truth and anxiety signals? How do you know when it's time to Pivot? What's the difference between authenticity, honesty, and humility versus hiding, avoidance, and apathy? 

As poet David Whyte says, some beautiful questions need to be lived. We explore how the body is the first level of knowing in the physical world, and how we can better trust and tune into our bodies to know if something is true or not.


124: Penney & Jenny Show — Embracing Liminal Space (the In-Between)

124: Penney & Jenny Show — Embracing Liminal Space (the In-Between)

Penney and I are back in action, with the 8th (!!) installment of our Penney & Jenny show. This week we dive into why it can be so difficult to embrace liminal space, also known as a transitional state of “in-between.”

Penney equates the liminal space to the time when a caterpillar has created and entered the cocoon, but has not transitioned into a butterfly. It is the space in which we are given the chance to rest, reset, and recharge before moving into the next phase. It sounds lovely when put that way, so why do we often want to rush the process?

Tune into this episode to learn all about why hindering the liminal state is like fighting a tidal wave, and why taking the time to stop is so important to your life, brain, and success.

For full show notes, visit ;. Have a question related to this episode, or any in our Penney & Jenny series? Ask away here, in a quick voice note. We look forward to rolling all of your questions together and creating a listener Q&A show soon :)

Pivot Podcast is listener supported: Contribute as a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A with Jenny, with access to the recordings in case you can’t make it live.
