💭 What word chose you this year?

Hi Friends, 

How are any of us supposed to sleep for the next week?! Your guess is as good as mine. I certainly don't have any answers, but I have been doing a lot of reflecting this year. 2020 has been a year of reckoning in every way. Today's podcast is a quick on-the-go-isode, recorded on-the-go on my iPhone while throwing the frisbee for Ryder in the park. Although it’s a bit noiser than usual, I hope you enjoy the New York City soundscape.

So many of us were feeling incredibly hopeful and optimistic heading in to this new decade. In keeping with the theme of radical reimagining, my hope is that this episode helps you reflect not just on the theme you set at the start of this year, but what theme has chosen and shaped you.

Key questions:

  • What are you secretly relieved has dissolved or disappeared this year?

  • What are the different permissions granted, that you might not have had the courage to do on your own?

  • What word chose you this year? 

I'll repeat what I said last week: I am sending love, hugs, and high fives to all of you for making it this far into this crazy year, and deep breaths as we approach the election here in the U.S. 

Friendly reminder, too, that I have a special interview with Seth Godin launching Tuesday — and it has nothing to do with politics if you need a place to rest and recharge! We recorded in early September, and it was Seth's book (and subsequent conversation) that helped me "dust the rust off" after my summer podcasting hiatus. 

Grab a copy of Seth's The Practice: Shipping Creative Work, and listen to his latest Akimbo episode, Books Matter, on how "books transcend time and space." 

Now onto this week's round-up of resources . . . 

That's it for now . . . THANK YOU for reading and listening, for your support, and for being part of this adventure with me. I am grateful for you every day!

❤️  With Love, 
