🦠 Opening the Collective Pandora's Box ❤️

Can you feel it? We are all being shaped and called to rise; as Rilke writes in letter 8 of Letters to a Young Poet (one I read on the podcast last week):

"We have changed, as a house that a guest has entered changes. We can't say who has come, perhaps we will never know, but many signs indicate that the future enters us in this way in order to be transformed in us, long before it happens." 

I think you'll appreciate the conversations with Penney Peirce this week on How Coronavirus is Speeding Us Toward Transparency and Opening our Collective Pandora's Box. Read her essay that these conversations are based on here »

In New York City, so much is changing that it feels like one month passes each week. I asked participants in a recent workshop to reflect before we started, and many found these questions helpful: 

  • How are you doing? 

  • How have you already adapted? 

  • How are you growing during this time? 

Related resource: Check out Strategic Coach Dan Sullivan's "Scary Times" Tool »


I've been podcasting daily ever since Momentum member and pandemic expert Dr. Michael J. Consuelos reached out to offer himself as a resource, which has now turned into a full-blown series:

What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions at PivotMethod.com/ask »
Consider donating to become a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call where you can ask me anything—our next call is coming up on April 8 with special guest Penney Peirce! You'll also get access to 7+ months of archives, bonuses, and "secret" episodes I don't release publicly.

And now for the weekly round-up . . . 

  • WATCHING: Who doesn't love Rube Goldberg machines?! This. Is. AWESOME: The Cake Server — aka possibly your most delightful two-minute break this week ️

  • READING: Therapist Lori Gottlieb on ambiguous grief in the NYT: Grieving the Losses of Coronavirus. "In addition to the tragic losses of life and health and jobs we are grieving the losses of weddings, sports and the ability to buy eggs or get a haircut."

  • LISTENING: Other than everything under the sun that has gone virtual including yoga, business workshops, viral Tik Tok memes, and podcasts? I'm finding The Daily to be a touchstone of sanity and sound advice right now.

  • TEACHING: There's no way around it — every day brings a new mental, emotional, work rollercoaster. Feeling frazzled myself at times from the daily "snow globe shake-up" of work and life shifts, I debated cancelling — before I realized now is the time we must talk about pivoting and navigating daily uncertainty. 

    Back in February I scheduled a slew of complimentary trainings this month, including my two main interactive keynotes for organizations. Check out the recordings here:

Additional complimentary Pivot resources to deepen your (daily) Pivot planning: 

Companies: If you are interested in launching career development programs within your organization, hit reply or find a time with our Program Director Marisol

If your organization already has a LinkedIn Learning license, you might also find these two courses helpful to pilot the Pivot Method internally: 

That's it for now . . . THANK YOU for reading and listening, for your support, and for being part of this adventure with me. I am grateful for you every day! Stay safe and sane...