192: The Silver Lining of Self-Doubt with Olivia D'Silva
Pivot Insider and coach Olivia D’Silva is here to help people to “realize the value of dissatisfaction and self-doubt in their live” and use these energies as the sources of power and motivation they can represent when harnessed intentionally. I was honored to be the first featured guest for her new community, The Doubters, and am sharing here on the Pivot Podcast with her permission :)
Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at PivotMethod.com/192
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More About Olivia D'Silva
I’m Olivia; a coach and writer. I help people to realise the value of dissatisfaction and self-doubt in their lives and to use these energies as motivating forces.
When you have achieved all the goals that you set out to achieve and realise you are not fulfilled, this is a difficult place to find yourself. You worked hard, played by the rules but now your resources have apparently let you down. What next?
I believe we all have a unique contribution which can be found at the source of our innate creativity and there is no more important time than now to bring this to the world. We need innovative, creative and collaborative solutions if our legacy is to provide a world where our next generations can thrive.
I have a practical approach to working with spiritual concepts and I advocate meditation as the interface between our creativity and our potential.
I came into this work after I found myself in a soul-less and superficial place in my mid 30’s. After a series of events, I qualified as a Transformational Life Coach and published my first book ‘Your Whole Life Economy – Recognise Your True Value and Improve Your Quality of Life‘. I am currently researching my 2nd book ‘The Purpose of Self-Doubt‘.
Topics We Cover
The relationship between vulnerability and doubt
Comparative sadness
Ambiguous grief
How intuition can help us during this time
Faith in yourself, faith in your past self, faith in a higher intelligence
Show me one next step: what can I do today?
Serendipity signage
Inviting a non-linear breakthrough
“I look forward to being surprised”
Our job is to stay open, stay receptive, and stay creative
Etymology of the word doubt is to hesitate
Self-love formulas are bullish*t
Tapping into the power and wisdom of self-doubt
The process of how we create will be infused in the end result
What procrastination is really about
Sexy shoulds / Sailing the Sea of Shiny Shoulds; death by a thousand cuts
We love lurkers :)
Discerning between self-doubt and using it for good and an inner critic
Byron Katie: “Any stressful thought is an alarm clock waking you up to its opposite.”
Worth-related self-doubt versus process-related self-doubt
The Boardroom in Your Brain
Resources Mentioned
Olivia’s Doubters Community
Your Whole Life Economy: Recognise Your True Value and Improve Your Quality of Life
Bryon Katie’s TheWork.com
Previous Pivot podcasts:
86: Grab Bag! Upcoming NYC Workshop, BookRx on Interviewing Tips, and the Upside of Awkwardness
112: Whose Voice is in Your Head? Perfection Detox Round Two with Petra Kolber
127: Live from the Vulnerability Hangover! Launching @LifeOfALebaneseArtist with Michael Karsouny
188: The Pondering Method (for Rebels) with Michael Karsouny
Check out other episodes of the Pivot Podcast here. Be sure to subscribe wherever you listen, and if you enjoy the show I would be very grateful for a rating and/or review! Sign-up for my weekly(ish) #PivotList newsletter to receive curated round-ups of what I’m reading, watching, listening to, and new tools I’m geeking out on.