17: On Creative Sabbaticals and Social Media Fatigue

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. That’s the gremlin I hear behind the slight nerves I feel about sharing today’s conversation with my good friend Nicole Antoinette.

As we both hit eight years of blogging this year (ten since I started Life After College), we decided to take an honest look at the social media fatigue that sometimes washes over a life lived online.

These periods of being public versus private ebb and flow, just as any creative journey will. While blogging and social media are mediums we credit for countless blessings in our lives (including our friendship!), we also wanted to share openly and honestly about the pressure to write, blog, tweet, insta—you name it—regularly, for . . . well, who knows how long?

I hope you enjoy today’s episode, and I look forward to hearing how you set yourself up for long-term success and sustainability around these topics in the comments!


  • Social media fatigue: where it comes from, why it happens, and what to do about it

  • Ease of openness in email newsletters vs. blogging

  • Transitioning from blog to business, and the writing pressures that follow

  • Creative sabbaticals; following curiosity and seeing where it leads

  • Questioning truths and redefining “the rules” about building a blog, business, and podcast

  • Do we really need to be on social media for business? Should we care about platform size?

  • Re-evaluating motivation: avoiding the trap of doing social media for validation

  • The importance of periods of resting, going inward

  • What is true for you that you have been denying?

  • Our own benchmarks and guiding questions for creativity and sharing content online


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Nicole is a writer based in Bend, Oregon. Her podcast, Real Talk Radio, is where people come together to talk about the wonderful mess of being human. A recovering self-help addict and former goal-setting coach, Nicole’s current projects explore how we can use grit and grace to close the gap between what we say we want and what we actually do.

Keep in touch with Nicole: 

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