Week Two: Scan
Once you’re clear on your biggest strengths, what’s already working best, and where you want to end up (even if loosely defined), it’s time to scan for options to close the gap. Scanning includes people, new skills, and opportunities that are most compelling to you.
Scan Stage Tips
The aim of this stage is structured exploration, which involves research, plugging knowledge and skill gaps, having conversations, and clarifying what types of opportunities interest you most.
Look at opportunities rooted in your existing strengths and ways you might expand beyond your comfort zone, revealing blind spots or hidden pockets of potential.
The most effective pivoters use this stage to become “discoverable” to interesting new opportunities
Reflection Questions
Who do I admire? What can I learn from them (either through direct conversation or from afar)? How can I set-up peer accountability and support?
What skills would be most beneficial for me to develop in the coming year? What would I love to become the go-to expert for?
Put your ear to the ground and listen to the people you care most about serving. Ask: What can I give? What problems need solving?
Action to take this week—choose one of the three (or make up your own!)
- Email two people about setting up lunch, coffee or a phone call
- Sign-up for a class (or buy a book) on a new subject that interests you
- Send a short survey to your ideal clients, community and/or friends asking how you can be most helpful
Optional Template Exercises to Jog Your Thinking:
Knowns vs. Unknowns: Summarize your known variables for your one-year vision, as well as remaining questions. In the last column, start to scan for potential solutions or brainstorm options.
Opportunity Grid Brainstorm: Scan and pilot with a plan; this template will help you brainstorm potential skills, people and projects.
Ideal Business Design and Action Plan Template: This template will help you outline your high-level business goals (schedule, finances, “red carpet” offering) and guide you to create an action-plan to make it happen.
Pivot Podcasts
P.S. Don’t forget to tweet your #PIVOTsprint progress with the hashtags #PIVOTsprint and #nextmove! For a complete guide to planning your pivot, check out Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One.