
157: "It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work" (Free-up Founder Time Excerpt)

157: "It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work" (Free-up Founder Time Excerpt)

What kind of company are you building (or working for)? Are you optimizing for chaos or for calm? One of my favorite books from recent years as it relates to company culture — even if you're a culture of one (or one+) — is It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy At Work, by Basecamp co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson.

Jason and David aim for a calm company, so every chapter (and business area) is about asking the question: How do we create calm? How do we choose calm?

This episode is preview lesson from my—totally free!—mini-course, Free-up Founder Time. I cover strategies for time blocking and content batching, and walk you through exactly how I set-up my schedule each week (knowing that life and work never go perfectly to plan).

After you listen, register for the course here — in 15 short actionable lessons, I cover topics like content batching, time blocking, getting ready for your big break, courage cookies, luck trucks, and a whole lot more. Each lesson as a combination of helpful tools, templates, podcast episodes, and book recommendations also available in audio format (most are 5-10 minutes long) for learning on the go.

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at

Enjoying the show? Pivot Podcast is listener supported—consider donating to become a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call where you can ask me anything, and discuss the latest books, tools and topics I’ve shared in recent episodes.

155: Becoming a Successful Speaker with Grant Baldwin

155: Becoming a Successful Speaker with Grant Baldwin

This week’s episode was recorded while on the road, preparing to speak at the International Monetary Fund to help them kick-off new career programs for 2020 (an honor!).

Thankful for a quiet hotel room all to myself in the midst of puppy-training (semi)chaos, I stacked a call with my attorney for a licensing contract, then recorded this interview and two solo shows — true to this week’s topic of navigating life as a professional speaker!

Grant and I discuss guidance from his new book, The Successful Speaker: Simple Steps to Make a Living Off Your Message, on everything from pricing, to outreach, to navigating life on the road.

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at

Enjoying the show? Pivot Podcast is listener supported—consider donating to become a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call where you can ask me anything, and discuss the latest books, tools and topics I’ve shared in recent episodes.

153: How to Create an Internal Coaching Program for Your Organization

153: How to Create an Internal Coaching Program for Your Organization

In 2007, while working within Sheryl Sandberg’s Online Sales and Operations organization at Google, I received a coaching session that changed my life. This was before the word coaching (and careers revolving around it) was ubiquitous outside of the sports arena.

In this episode I share more about how that one session helped spark an entire movement that’s still alive within Google today: an internal “drop-in” coaching program—to make coaching accessible, easy to sign up for, and free—for all employees at all levels of the company. I’ll dive into the big themes and mechanics of how to set this up if you’re hoping to run a pilot within your organization.

That first coach, Erik, in just two sessions also inspired me to attend coach training myself in 2008, restart my (at the time) sleeping website Life After College, and gave me hope that I could be an author someday . . . and the rest is history :)

Shoutout to Denny Clark for submitting the Listener Q&A that inspired this episode!

Learn more about Pivot Programs at »

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at »

[Best Of] 96: The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business with Elaine Pofeldt

[Best Of] 96: The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business with Elaine Pofeldt

I have always been curious about solopreneurs who choose to stay small, like me. Seven years into running my own business, I still deliberately choose not to scale in a way that requires hiring any full-time employees or by too much added infrastructure, to support two of my biggest business values of freedom and agility.

But that doesn't mean that I exclude higher earnings as a necessary byproduct. My business mantras: optimize for revenue and joy, look for ways to earn twice as much in half the time (with ease and with even greater impact), and let it be easy, let it be fun.

So I was delighted to stumble upon Elaine Pofeldt, who is similarly obsessed with researching non-employer businesses with 7-figure earnings. In this week's conversation we dive into what she discovered while writing The Million-Dollar, One-Person BusinessRelated note: I've captured my best strategies for nearly quadrupling my income while working half the time (with no full-time employees) in my Delegation Ninja course.

150: Pivot Insider Preview—Jenny's Favorite Things & Strategic Coach's "80% Approach"

150: Pivot Insider Preview—Jenny's Favorite Things & Strategic Coach's "80% Approach"

This week’s episode is a special behind-the-scenes preview from my live monthly Pivot Insider community Q&A call. In our December call (last one of the decade!) I shared my favorite things Oprah-style, why I launch everything in an “imperfect,” incomplete state, my go-to workouts from home, and questions submitted from the group on side hustles and staying motivated.

Enjoy more intimate conversations like this one? Pivot Podcast is listener supported—consider donating to become a Pivot Insider at just $8/mo and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call on Zoom in real-time, and the chance to submit questions in advance even when you can’t make it live.

You’ll also get instant access to over six months of archives and special bonuses, including the two-hour Upgrade Your Energy workshop.

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at »

147: Set Your 2020 Pivot Strategy

147: Set Your 2020 Pivot Strategy

To help you kick-off the new year in style and soul-aligned next steps, I’m back with my annual Set Your Pivot Strategy episode—new and improved with the best resources and reflection questions to help you craft a compelling vision for 2020. 

I encourage you to get out a pen and paper for this one—yes, analog-style—and pause frequently to journal for as long as you’d like on each prompt. Go big! Go for quantity, not quality, and don’t censor yourself or worry yet about whether or not what you’re envisioning is possible—the time for that will come later. 

When you think you’re done writing, keep going! That just means you’ve gotten your most obvious ideas down. Pushing through the pauses is where you create breakthroughs, and every time you sit with a question you’ve never heard before, you are creating new neural pathways in the brain. 

146: How to Rapid-Prototype a Course

146: How to Rapid-Prototype a Course

Creating online courses does not require huge investment in time or money. Although they certainly can cost tens of thousands of dollars to produce, with professional video editing and branding, they don't have to. In fact, my favorite way to create and launch a course is with my future students!

This follows agile design principles (check out the agile manifesto here). The goal is developing rapidly, with frequent input from key stakeholders, not building so much behind-the-scenes that what you’re working on becomes out-of-date or out of touch with what your audience and potential future students actually need.

I this episode, I break down all the details on how I love launching and creating courses. You can also read a summary of the steps on this page of the Pivot website.

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at

Enjoying the show? Pivot Podcast is listener supported—consider donating to become a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call where you can ask me anything, and discuss the latest books, tools and topics I’ve shared in recent episodes.

Our last call of the year is coming right up on Friday, December 6!

145: The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur with John Jantsch

145: The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur with John Jantsch

If you’re attempting any creative or business endeavor, you know that it’s one of the great personal development journeys a person can undertake. Dips, mood drops, discouragement, disillusionment — these are all natural byproducts of forging new territory and taking on the vulnerability and uncertainty that come with creating anything new in the world.

John Jantsch is one of my longtime business mentors-from-afar, someone I’m now lucky to call a friend. In his latest book, The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur: 366 Daily Meditations to Feed Your Soul and Grow Your Business, he combines timeless transcendentalist wisdom with his three decades of entrepreneurial time-in-the-trenches. I hope you enjoy this conversation on luck, pivoting, and the spiritual side of business-building.

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at

Enjoying the show? Pivot Podcast is listener supported—consider donating to become a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call where you can ask me anything, and discuss the latest books, tools and topics I’ve shared in recent episodes.

Our last call of the year is coming right up on Friday, December 6!

142: Creative Economy Lessons from “The Great Race to Rule Streaming TV”

142: Creative Economy Lessons from “The Great Race to Rule Streaming TV”

Given the “mutation of television’s DNA” that reporter Jonah Weiner describes in his fantastic New York Times Magazine article, The Great Race to Rule Streaming TV, there is much we can learn about where the creative economy is heading, how to stand out, and how to Pivot your own creative projects.

This article is so juicy—so jam-packed with insights into where TV is heading that parallels publishing, podcasting and product creation—that I couldn’t resist jumping on the mic to do a point-by-point analysis of how they might apply to our own creative projects in this experimental episode.

The article—and what we’re going to dive into together—spans a fascinating swath of topics that I’ll help unpack. Everything from prestige content versus quick bites, hyper-abundance and the atmosphere of plentitude, infinite possibilities, unpredictability, celebrating fringe, “great-ish” and the golden age of good enough, quiet time meetings, licensing versus original content, hoarding, the great reclamation of content, perceived barriers to entry, and preserving storytelling.

If it goes well, and you’re interested in these topics, I can even invite Jonah to a follow-up interview for the Pivot podcast. :)

141: Be a Free Range Human—Busting Business Myths with Marianne Cantwell

141: Be a Free Range Human—Busting Business Myths with Marianne Cantwell

I’ve been a big fan of Marianne’s writing, Be a Free Range Human, since my earliest days as a solopreneur; and in fact, she crossed my radar when my blog was just a budding baby side-hustle, but we hadn’t connected in real-time until this conversation.

A longtime advocate for going your own way in life and work, Marianne shares where many solopreneurs go wrong: leaving a suffocating, one-size-fits-all corporate environment just to feel equally penned in by a box of their own making with shoulds from the self-employment space.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to identify your Free Range Style, and why it is a big blind spot for many entrepreneurs. In fact, it’s one of the biggest detriments to the health and success of your business to go against your Free Range Style, even though many best practices would have you inadvertently doing just that!

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at

Enjoying the show? Pivot Podcast is listener supported—consider donating to become a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call with Jenny. Our next call is on November 13!

140: What Horse Whispering and Entrepreneurship Have in Common with Eileen Kenney

140: What Horse Whispering and Entrepreneurship Have in Common with Eileen Kenney

What does horse whispering have in common with entrepreneurship? More than you might think; unless you are already running your own show and know exactly how fickle taming a wild new business can be!

I loved this conversation with Elaine Kenney on her trials as a single mom building a business, her resilience in the face of dips and defeat, her obsession with horses, and how she navigates every next phase with joy, grace, and perseverance.

If you enjoy this conversation, check out another one of my all time favorite Pivot podcasts, The Soul of an Octopus—Exploring Animal Consciousness with Sy Montgomery.

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at

Enjoying the show? Pivot Podcast is listener supported—consider donating to become a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call where you can ask me anything, and discuss the latest books, tools and topics I’ve shared in recent episodes.

139: Rich Dad, Real Estate Investing, and Podcast Pro Tips with Erik Cabral

139: Rich Dad, Real Estate Investing, and Podcast Pro Tips with Erik Cabral

Quick reminder! Doors close for Momentum Enrollment on Tuesday, October 15 — learn more and enroll at if you’re looking for super smart systems and strategies to design your ideal six-figure business in 2020 and beyond :)

This week’s episode is another fun Podcast Row conversation, and this time I got to geek out on two topics I haven’t talked much about publicly: one of the first personal development books I read in my early twenties that changed the trajectory of my life, business, and finances—and real estate!

With a brother in commercial real estate, I’m often having walk-and-talks on these topics with him whenever we’re in the same city, so I think you’ll enjoy this conversation with Erik Cabral. Listen closely, as he also shares a fantastic podcast pro tip for those of you who have your own shows!

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at

138: How Can You Earn Twice as Much in Half the Time with Joy and Ease? Momentum Doors Open!

138: How Can You Earn Twice as Much in Half the Time with Joy and Ease? Momentum Doors Open!

If you are a heart-based business owner, and you want to learn how to earn twice as in half the time, with ease and joy while serving the highest good, then I invite you to join us as an official Momentum Member! Visit to learn more about my private community for side-hustlers and solopreneurs, and how we can support you with systems and strategies to build your ideal six- (or seven!) figure business in 2020 and beyond.

137: What's Your Brand Archetype? Unlock Your Innate Advantage with Kaye Putnam

137: What's Your Brand Archetype? Unlock Your Innate Advantage with Kaye Putnam

Do you ever experience “design block” or personal branding BLEGH when you think about how to present yourself and your business online? If so, you are not alone! That makes at least two of us :)

You are going to love this episode with brand strategist Kaye Putnam on authentic expression, the 12 brand archetypes, and why sometimes understanding our own brand is like reading a label from the inside of a jar—and what to do about it.

Kaye believes that when you have a clear brand, your clients love, respect, and are willing to pay premium prices for your work—which gives you the clarity and confidence to scale your impact and income.

Speaking of which! If you haven’t yet signed up for my free upcoming 90-minute Masterclass on 10 Scalable Streams of Solopreneur Income on 10/10 at 10am ET, you can do that here »

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at

Enjoying the show? Pivot Podcast is listener supported—consider donating to become a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call where you can ask me anything—our next one is coming right up! On my birthday, 10/9 :) Shout-out to my fellow Libras!

136: Start Finishing—Pricing, Projects, and Momentum Planning with Charlie Gilkey

136: Start Finishing—Pricing, Projects, and Momentum Planning with Charlie Gilkey

Sometimes the Audio Gods just do not shine upon you, and that’s what happened during this super fun experimental interview with my brilliant friend Charlie Gilkey! My mic is “hot” (aka way too loud), but I hope you’ll forgive me and listen anyway, as Charlie shares SO. MUCH. GOLD!! We even go into “extreme coaching” mode together at the end, as we discuss topics from his new book, Start Finishing: How to Go From Idea to Done.

A bit more backstory: we piloted a book club within Momentum for the first time this month, where MoMo’ers were on the podcast interview live with us on mute, then after my interview we opened it up for Q&A and coaching with Charlie. We cover all kinds of topics ranging from his Five Projects Rule, The Project Pyramid, comparisitis, creative constipation (LOL!), his awesome Momentum planning strategy, and pricing our services as a small business owner.

Speaking of which! If you haven’t yet signed up for my free upcoming 90-minute Masterclass on 10 Scalable Streams of Solopreneur Income on 10/10 at 10am ET, you can enroll at

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at

Enjoying the show? Pivot Podcast is listener supported—consider donating to become a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call where you can ask me anything—our next one is coming right up! On my birthday, 10/9 Shout-out to my fellow Libras :)

133: Free-up Founder Time Preview — Time Blocking and Content Batching

133: Free-up Founder Time Preview — Time Blocking and Content Batching

How can I earn twice as much in half the time, with joy and ease, while serving the highest good for all involved? This is one of the central questions in my solo+preneur-based business, one that builds a habit (okay, okay, obsession) of looking for simple systems and strategies to help free our time, mind, and money.

This episode is preview lesson from my new—totally free!—mini-course, Free-up Founder Time. I cover strategies for time blocking and content batching, and walk you through exactly how I set-up my schedule each week (knowing that life and work never go perfectly to plan). I define Founder Time as time that you dedicate to working on your business, as the owner of the whole operation. Ideally, you schedule it for your most creative windows—when you feel energized to do your best work.  

After you listen, register for the course here to kick-off your fall with more time and energy! In 15 short actionable lessons, I cover topics like content batching, time blocking, getting ready for your big break, courage cookies, luck trucks, and a whole lot more. Each lesson as a combination of helpful tools, templates, podcast episodes, and book recommendations. I also recorded each lesson (most are 5-10 minutes long) as audio for learning on the go. My goal: every lesson will free up two to five hours of your time each week!

132: The Making of a Manager with Julie Zhuo

132: The Making of a Manager with Julie Zhuo

In her book, The Making of a Manager: What To Do When Everyone Looks To You, author Julie Zhuo takes us back to the childhood lemonade stand in a way that flipped a major “aha” lightbulb switch for me.

As the founder of a budding business, you might be the best at making lemonade, or at least think you are, even as you hire helpers to (wo)man the stand. But if you only ever make lemonade you’ll only be serving an additive role in your business. Instead, if you hire a small team and teach them how to make the lemonade, even if they’re not quite as skilled as you at first, you’ll be serving a multiplicative role.

You serving as a multiplier in your business means exponential returns are possible (including exponentially reducing your time). But most of us aren’t handed a manual on how to become an effective manager of other people—we learn by fumbling through the job. In this conversation, Julie and I dig into the three P’s of people management: people, process, and purpose—and it’s a good idea to create a user guide to . . . you!

Download a copy of Julie’s sample user guide below (or if you’re viewing this in a podcast player view full show notes at

126: How We Ran Our 2-Day Strategy Sprint (with Template)

126: How We Ran Our 2-Day Strategy Sprint (with Template)

This week’s episode comes fresh off the heels of a two-day strategy sprint that my team and I ran to tackle our biggest business frogs. 

One commitment we made at the end was to “share truth while it's fresh” — with delightful specificity and crazy-smart systems — so that’s what I’m doing! This is a behind-the-scenes peek at what we're building (and how) during my “JB 3.0 Business Renaissance,” in as real-time as we can.

I also want to give a shout out to my she-probably-has-no-clue-I-exist-yet-but-hopefully-someday-friendtoAmy Porterfield, an online marketing pro and absolutely fantastic teacher. We haven't met yet, but I have been mega-binging on her podcasts, and I was inspired to do our strategy sprint by her recent episode #222 on creating a weekend immersion retreat.

The fix-it ideas from Amy’s podcast got my wheels turning, but for this round I pivoted our focus toward tackling the biggest, most strategic projects. In the episode, I share all the details on how we designed the sprint, how we prepared in the days and weeks leading up to it, the exact flow/schedule we followed, what worked best, and what we would do differently next time. 

If you want to run your own two-day strategy sprint, submit the form within the show notes to get the free template we created from our own planning docs — which will be helpful even if you decide do to this solo!

123: Peeking Out from the Plateau — My Latest Pivots (and Why Plateaus Actually Signal Progress!)

123: Peeking Out from the Plateau — My Latest Pivots (and Why Plateaus Actually Signal Progress!)

I’m baaaaaack! Did you miss me? I sincerely apologize for (unintentionally) ghosting out on you. I hit a (Pivot) point of total overload and overwhelm with some BIG personal updates on school and my love life (you’ll have to listen in to get the full deets!).

All while mid-way through second semester at seminary, buying and moving to a new home in Harlem, and traveling every week for speaking busy season this spring. Spotting burnout potential (I know it a mile away), and after hitting a clear decision fork-in-the-road, I gave myself permission to pause on non-essentials. Unfortunately that included the podcast and #PivotList newsletter!

But what looked like a plateau from the outside (seeing as I haven’t released a new show in six months) sparked a mega-business renaissance on the inside. On Friday, July 5 I celebrate my eighth (!!) year of solopreneurship, and I’m getting ready to take things up to a whole new level of joy, revenue, meaning, momentum, and systems-ninjary.

In fact, I’m re-naming what I do Solo+preneurship — putting the plus into my support structure by expanding to a core team of three (part-timers) + podcast production. This will free my time to do more of what I love, such as getting this show out on a regular basis while still honoring Momentum members, and my consulting and 1:1 clients.

Listen to this week’s show (I’m dusting off the rust, so pardon any awkwardness!) for more on all these updates, and how you can become a super special Podcast Insider to geek out with me behind-the-scenes on the latest books, topics, and tools that come up during the episodes. I’ll also talk about why plateaus — at least ones that look that way from the outside — are a good thing, and should be celebrated as a sign of progress.

122: Digital Minimalism with Cal Newport

122: Digital Minimalism with Cal Newport

What are the hidden costs of digital clutter? How can we counter screen addiction and phantom phone vibrations? We explore these topics in this episode with Cal Newport as we discuss his new book, Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World.

Cal Newport is a familiar voice on the Pivot Podcast and back by popular demand! On our first episode we discussed deep work—the increasingly important deliberate practice of focused work, especially in a world of cognitive junk. Now we turn to digital minimalism: applying a just enough mindset to our personal technology, freeing ourselves from the overwhelm, distraction, and “fear of missing out” side effects of the always-connected world. Or as Cal quotes Bill Maher from May 2017: “Likes is the new smoking . . . Philip Morris just wanted your lungs, The App Store wants your soul.”